Catch up on the latest gospel sermons preached at GraceLife London.
Read moreWhether you are a seasoned pastor, an aspiring preacher, or someone who wants to know more about what God expects of His servants, this conference is designed to exhort, encourage, and equip men in the work of expository preaching.
Read moreJoin the Drion Family from the 1st of January 2024 as Pastor Tom Drion teaches systematic theology.
Read moreTrapped. Helpless. Defenseless. Stuck. Unable. This is not how God wants any of His children to live! As we examine the Scriptures and their life-giving wisdom, the soul-crippling messages of our hearts will be replaced with true freedom, steadfast
Read moreJoin Pastor Tom Dion as he explores Genesis, shedding light on its significance and how it addresses the roots of gender issues.
Read moreJoin the Drion Family from the 1st of January 2023 as they read through the Holy Bible using the M’Cheyne Family Bible Time (Year 2) reading plan.
Read moreCatch up on the "God's Goals for Marriage" seminar series
Read moreWatch our sermon series on the required qualification for being an elder in the church.
Read moreJoin us as we start a new series on the book of Titus where Paul offers encouragement and wisdom to Titus as he endured ongoing opposition from the ungodly and from legalists within his congregations
Read moreJoin the Drion Family from the 1st of January 2022 as they read through the bible using the M’Cheyne (Year 1) Bible Reading Plan.
Read moreJoin us as we go through this encouraging sermon series that looks at the faithful life of Daniel and how God used Him to reveal His current and future plans for the world
Read moreWe often as Christians are told what to think but we don't often hear instruction on how to think. In this 2 part series, we're going to explore what it means to think from a Christian standpoint.
Read moreWe live in a generation that has made peace with sin - as opposed to seeing sin in the seriousness of what it is, it is seen as thrilling and exciting. We need to take sin seriously, we need to see sin as God sees sin.
Read moreJoin us for our daily devotional catch up with Pastor Tom Drion.
Read moreJoin us as we study God's word, looking through Genesis 3 and our family history.
Read moreDo you think you're too far gone for God? Maybe you're convinced that you've done too much in your life for God to save someone like you? It's a thought that sometimes terrifies us, but how can we be sure that when we die, we'll be going to heaven?
Read moreChristians have always faced persecution, but most of us have got used to living as if we won’t face it ourselves. All of that seems likely to change with a gathering storm over issues such as sexuality and gender.
Read moreGuest speaker Dr James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries shares a message from Luke 24 on the resurrection of Christ and its importance to the Christian faith.
Read moreGive your mum the gift of learning how the Bible says we should treat mothers!
Read moreSummer Institute 2018 tackles the topic of biblical wisdom for everyday living, with sessions focusing on finances, relationships, marriage and parenting and the Fruit of the Spirit.
Read moreThis sermon series looks at the book of Genesis and God's grand design of creation.
Read moreJoin us as we answer life's Ultimate Questions in this sermon series: Who is God?, Who wrote the Bible?, Who is Jesus Christ?, Who is the Holy Spirit?, What is our nature?, If God exists, why evil?, How can we be forgiven?, How will the world end?
Read moreThis sermon series goes through the Gospel of Matthew and presents Jesus as Israel’s Messiah and King.
Read moreThis sermon series looks at biblical giving. Why do you give? To whom is your giving for? These are important questions for every Christian to ask and know.
Read moreThis sermon series looks at the six marks of true repentance; Seeing your sin, Godly Sorrow, Confession of Sin, Shame for Sin, Hatred for sin and Turning from Sin.
Read moreAre you flagging spiritually? Join us as we dig deep into the Good News of the Gospel with our sermon series on 1 Corinthians 15 on how to resurrect your zeal for the Lord.
Read moreJoin us as we carefully work through 1 Corinthians 12-14 and discover the original teaching from the Holy Spirit about Spiritual Gifts.
Read moreThis 14 part teaching series by Dr. Steven Lawson goes through the divine The Attributes of God
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